Doctoral Colloquium and Mentoring

A comprehensive and competitive program tailored for PhD students specializing in Finance and Accounting.
The Doctoral Colloquium and Mentoring is a dedicated session, organized one day before the conference, offering doctoral students’ valuable in-depth engagement with leading academics in finance and accounting. With a limited number of presentation slots, this extended session is particularly suited for those still in the research stage of their doctoral studies. Participants will present their work and receive detailed feedback, along with strategic career advice to support their academic progress and professional development.
Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission is Monday, 13 January 2025.

Conference Registration

Conference registration will be announced at a later stage.


All submissions will undergo a peer-review process to decide their inclusion in the conference program.


Guidelines for PhD Students

PhD students in the early stages of their studies with a paper, interested in delivering a short, pitching-style presentation, are encouraged to submit their work in the PhD Mentoring Session. To choose this option, please submit your work using the link “PhD Mentoring Session Submissions” and select the topic “001 – PhD Student (Mentoring Session).” Ensure you also choose additional topics to specify your paper’s area of research. 

PhD students with a completed (or job market) paper, are encouraged to submit their work for presentation in the regular conference sessions. To choose this option, please submit your work using the link “Paper Submissions (regular sessions)” and select the topic “002 – PhD Student (Regular Sessions).” Ensure you also choose additional topics to specify your paper’s area of research. Only papers presented by PhD students in the regular conference sessions will be eligible to be considered for the «Best Doctoral Paper Award». 

PhD students at the very early stages of their studies without any paper could register to attend the conference and attend the PhD Mentoring Session.

Organising Institutions
Conference Supporters