Best Paper Awards 2024

Best Paper Award Winners (FMARC 2024)

Honorary Plaque

Professor George M. Constantinides

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Professor George M. Constantinides, Leo Melamed Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Professor Constantinides was honoured with this plaque in recognition of his profound and enduring contributions to financial economics, shaping the future of the fields of finance and economics, and inspiring generations of scholars.

Conference Best Paper Award

Alessandro Previtero

“The Value of Non-Alpha Services”

Co-authored: Alessandro Previtero (Indiana University and NBER), Jules van Binsbergen (Wharton Business School and NBER) , Ran Xing (Stockholm University and the Swedish House of Finance)

Indiana University and NBER


Best Paper in Finance Award

Stefano Rossi

“Credit Market Driven Acquisitions”

Co-authored: Stefano Rossi (Bocconi University), Huseyin Gulen (Purdue University),
Candace E. Jens (Tulane University)

Bocconi University

Stefano Rossi a Full Professor of Finance in the Finance Department at Bocconi University. Stefano is also a Research Affiliate of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), a Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), an Executive Editor of the Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, and an Associate Editor of European Financial Management. Prior to joining Bocconi Stefano has taught at the Stockholm School of Economics, Cornell University, Imperial College, and Purdue. Stefano holds a BA and an MSc in Economics from Bocconi University, Milan; and a PhD in Finance from London Business School.

Best Paper in Accounting Award

Akram Khalilov

“Bridging the Gap: A Study of Government Suppliers’ Reporting Practices”

Co-authored: Akram Khalilov (BI Norwegian Business School), Tobias Witter (Humboldt – Universität zu Berlin)

BI Norwegian Business School

Akram Khalilov is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Department of Accounting and Operations Management at BI Norwegian Business School. Akram holds a Ph.D. degree (in Business and Finance) from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). His research interests intersect the areas of earnings attributes, political economy of accounting and corporate finance.

Best Doctoral Paper Award

Judith Bohnenkamp

“Payoff over Panorama: Mental Accounting and Asset Class Selection”

Judith Bohnenkamp (University of Miami)

University of Miami

Judith is a PhD student entering her fifth year at the University of Miami. Her research interests include household finance, behavioral finance, and fintech, focusing on the impact of new technologies and asset classes on household decision-making. Her advisor is George Korniotis. Judith holds dual German and Spanish nationality. Before her PhD, she worked at Morningstar in Madrid and earned her bachelor’s degree from Barry University in Miami, Florida, where she was a member of the Women’s Tennis Team.

Publication Opportunity

Giorgo Sertsios

The Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review, Konstantinos Stathopoulos invited the below paper for submission and potential publication.

“Control Without Ownership: Governance of Nonprofit Hospitals”

Co-authored: Giorgo Sertsios (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Katharina Lewellen (Tuck School at Dartmouth), Gordon Phillips (Tuck School at Dartmouth)

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Giorgo Sertsios is the Sheldon B. Lubar Associate Professor in Finance at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee -Lubar College of Business. He previously held positions at the University of Houston and Universidad de los Andes, Chile. His research interests lie at the intersection of Corporate Finance, Organizational Economics, and Industrial Organization. He holds a PhD from the University of Maryland and an MA in Economics from Universidad Catolica of Chile, where he also completed his undergraduate studies. His work has been published in several leading academic journals, such as the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, and the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Publication Opportunity

Akram Khalilov

The Best Paper in Accounting has received an invitation from the editors of Accounting and Business Research for submission and potential publication.

“Bridging the Gap: A Study of Government Suppliers’ Reporting Practices”

Co-authored: Akram Khalilov (BI Norwegian Business School), Tobias Witter (Humboldt – Universität zu Berlin)

BI Norwegian Business School

Akram Khalilov is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Department of Accounting and Operations Management at BI Norwegian Business School. Akram holds a Ph.D. degree (in Business and Finance) from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). His research interests intersect the areas of earnings attributes, political economy of accounting and corporate finance.

A comprehensive and competitive program tailored for PhD students specializing in Finance and Accounting.
During this session, PhD students attending FMARC 2024 will have the unparalleled opportunity to engage with seasoned mentors, gaining targeted guidance to enhance the impact of their research. Additionally, PhD students will explore potential career paths, receiving valuable advice on navigating the academic landscape, the job market, and their professional development.
Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission is Wednesday, 31 January 2024.

Conference Registration

Conference registration will open on Monday, 11 March 2024.


All submissions will undergo a peer-review process to decide their inclusion in the conference program.


PhD Mentors
The conference team of PhD Mentors consists of 4 individuals.
Associate Professor
The University of Texas at Dallas
Maria Loumioti is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Texas at Dallas.
University of Bristol
Mark's research interests are in financial reporting, including the links between accounting information and capital markets and audit markets.
Associate Professor
Nova School of Business & Economics
Irem Demirci is an Associate Professor of Finance at Nova School of Business & Economics.
Associate Professor
Luca Del Viva is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Department of Financial Management and Control at ESADE.
Guidelines for PhD Students

PhD students in the early stages of their studies with a paper, interested in delivering a short, pitching-style presentation, are encouraged to submit their work in the PhD Mentoring Session. To choose this option, please submit your work using the link “PhD Mentoring Session Submissions” and select the topic “001 – PhD Student (Mentoring Session).” Ensure you also choose additional topics to specify your paper’s area of research. 

PhD students with a completed (or job market) paper, are encouraged to submit their work for presentation in the regular conference sessions. To choose this option, please submit your work using the link “Paper Submissions (regular sessions)” and select the topic “002 – PhD Student (Regular Sessions).” Ensure you also choose additional topics to specify your paper’s area of research. Only papers presented by PhD students in the regular conference sessions will be eligible to be considered for the «Best Doctoral Paper Award». 

PhD students at the very early stages of their studies without any paper could register to attend the conference and attend the PhD Mentoring Session.

Organising Institutions
Conference Supporters