Geoffrey Wood

    Professor Geoffrey Wood is Professor and DanCap Private Equity Chair of Innovation, and Department Chair DAN Management at Western University in Canada, and Visiting Professor at Trinity College, Dublin. Previously, he served as Dean and Professor of International Business, at Essex Business School and before then as Professor of International Business at Warwick Business School, UK. He has authored/co-authored/edited eighteen books, and over two hundred and twenty articles in peer-reviewed journals.  He has an h-index of 45, and an i10-index of 199.  He holds honorary positions at Griffith and Monash University in Australia. Geoff’s research interests centre on the relationship between institutional setting, corporate governance, firm finance, and firm level work and employment relations.

    He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and a Fellow of the British Academy of Management, and is also in receipt of an Honorary Doctorate in economics from Aristotle University, Greece. Geoffrey Wood is Incoming Editor in Chief of the the Academy of Management Perspectives, Official Journal of the Academy of Management (US). He also is Editor in Chief of Human Resource Management Journal.  He also edits the Chartered ABS Journal Ranking list, and the Annals of Corporate Governance. He has had numerous research grants, including funding councils (e.g. ESRC), government departments (e.g. US Department of Labour; UK Department of Works and Pensions), charities (e.g. Nuffield Foundation), the labour movement (e.g. the ITF) and the European Union.