FMARC 2024 – Best Paper Award Winners and Publication Opportunities

The Best Paper Awards at FMARC 2024 recognize exceptional research contributions across finance and accounting. Selected by the scientific committee and conference chairs, these awards celebrate innovation and academic excellence, highlighting the most impactful papers presented at the conference.

Conference Best Paper

“The Value of Non-Alpha Services”

Alessandro Previtero (Indiana University and NBER)

Read the paper by clicking HERE. Co-authored: Jules van Binsbergen (Wharton Business School and NBER), Ran Xing (Stockholm University and the Swedish House of Finance).

Best Paper in Finance

“Credit Market Driven Acquisitions”

Stefano Rossi (Bocconi University)

Read the paper by clicking HERE. Co-authored: Huseyin Gulen (Purdue University), Candace E. Jens (Tulane University).

Best Paper in Accounting

“Bridging the Gap: A Study of Government Suppliers’ Reporting Practices”

Akram Khalilov (BI Norwegian Business School)

Read the paper by clicking HERE. Co-authored: Tobias Witter (Humboldt – Universität zu Berlin).

Best Doctoral Paper

“Payoff over Panorama: Mental Accounting and Asset Class Selection”

Judith Bohnenkamp (University of Miami) Read the paper by clicking HERE.

Publication Opportunities

The Editors-in-Chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review invited the below paper for submission to the journal.

“Control Without Ownership: Governance of Nonprofit Hospitals”

Giorgo Sertsios (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

Read the paper by clicking HERE. Co-authored: Katharina Lewellen (Tuck School at Dartmouth), Gordon Phillips (Tuck School at Dartmouth).

The Best Paper in Accounting has received an invitation from the Editors of Accounting and Business Research for submission to the journal.

“Bridging the Gap: A Study of Government Suppliers’ Reporting Practices”

Akram Khalilov (BI Norwegian Business School)

Read the paper by clicking HERE. Co-authored: Tobias Witter (Humboldt – Universität zu Berlin).

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